Friday, August 28, 2020

What's in Your Portfolio?

          Several years ago, I watched a science documentary television series: Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey. I recently came a cross this inspiring 11 min 13 sec video of an interview with the series' host:

My three favorite moments/statements from the video in chronological order:

  • "What's in your portfolio?"
  • "It wasn't passed in 2014. It was passed in 1975 to Neil Tyson, future astronomer."
  • "I become irrelevant."

*****To my IS101-3022 students: be sure to watch the video (try full screen) before commenting on this post.*****
Tomorrow morning, Saturday, 8/29 is our first live-remote class session using BigBlueButton for virtual meeting. This past week was a flurry of communications and activities! Majority of students are proactive and started their IS101 journey strong :-)

Each of the three moments/statements resonate with me as an educator but the one – modified for IS101 – that I want to ask my students is the first one.

  1. For first-time college students and those returning to higher education after a long absence: will you cultivate your skills in prioritizing your time, energy, and resources to meet the new academic obligations in your life?
  2. To expedite building your repertoire and earning grades, will you take full advantage of the live and virtual interaction during our designated class times?
  3. Will you use all that you will learn from and achieve in IS101 to build a proud digital portfolio (e.g. blog and website)?


  1. First of all I'm a huge fan of Neil Degrasse Tyson and the Cosmos series. He has always been great in all of his speeches and events that he's invited to. There were a few things in this video that I didn't know about Mr. Tyson. First, that his father competed in the Olympics. Second, he had a book signed by Carl Sagan. It's very inspiring that he's firm believer in lifelong learning and moving around obstacles rather than staying stuck on them. I have learned constantly throughout my life that they're people who teach you how to grow as a person, and everyone can learn something from anyone. I was previously snubbed for a position that I had earned and it created this drive within me to work even harder to suceed.

    1) The older I get the easier it becomes to prioritize and organize my time, although it comes with more responsibilities. I now have plenty of resources to help me succeed in my educational pursuits. When it comes to energy, I will have to summon what little bit of energy I have left to push through any and all assignments.
    2) The virtual aspect of class can make things difficult. With that being said, I'm constantly trying to come to class prepared with questions to maximize my efficiency during virtual class.
    3) I'm planning to used what I learn during IS 101 to make myself more attractive to my current and future employers. The skills learned here will translate to a more efficient member of the Information Technology community.

  2. I started to watch Cosmos, but never finished it. I have heard of Neil deGrasse Tyson, though, and like him a lot. To answer the questions:

    1. After a long absence from school, I definitely feel intimidated and overwhelmed, but also feel a bigger sense of purpose in my life again. It is nice to have a new goal, and I plan to succeed in my academic obligations.

    2. Yes, I plan to take advantage of the virtual interaction during our designated class time. Unfortunately, my daughter and I are part of the "at risk" population for Covid-19, so I will be staying safe and refrain from going to class physically even if it becomes a possibility.

    3. I know I will use the Word, Excel, and possibly PowerPoint knowledge gained from this class in my pursuit of a higher education

  3. Any advice from someone like Neil deGrasse Tyson or your even your professor, colleague, or neighbor who has more wisdom and knowledge in life is well-warranted advice. You can always learn something new, no matter who they are, as we are all built off of different experiences and journeys in life. I aspire to live by Tyson’s words of leaving school with the psyche of, “I now have a curiosity of all things I have yet to be exposed to, and I will now become a lifelong learner.”

    1) I have been consistently attending higher education for over the past two years, but I continue to exemplify my ability to prioritize my time, energy, and resources to meet academic obligations in life, as well as obligations to my current job and my family. Although time is limited, I know what it takes to get the job done successfully and effectively.

    2) I believe that listening and speaking are two vital forms of communication that are essential in everyday lives, whether for business or for learning. I prefer to listen and comprehend the message and purpose of the speaker, and respond with my questions or perspectives. Moreover, I participate during every class session, and often over-participate, so this semester, I have taken an approach to provide my colleagues an opportunity to answer so it does not appear that I am always answering all the questions in class.

    3) The skills I learn from and achieve in IS101 will provide me the much needed foundation and fundamentals to build a proud digital portfolio, as well as further my career in the Information Technology field. Certainly, I am using what I have learned in my Web Design courses where I built and developed websites for three years, as well as my previous experience in journaling and blogging to guide this experience. I am excited to attain my first certifications (MOS)!

  4. Never watched the series Cosmo with Neil deGrasse Tyson. Neil deGrasse Tyson videos were among my favorites on YouTube. This is not a direct quote but one of the my most memorable lines from him, a human hanging out with an ape, is the comparison to a highly intelligent extraterrestrial hanging out with a human. He is a brilliant mind.
    1. After a long hiatus from college. Prioritizing my time, using my energy to be productive, and utilizing my resources, are the most essential skills I can apply to being successful in college and in life.
    2. Class sessions, instructors input, classmates inputs, all are valuable components in my college restoration.
    3. Most definitely plain to incorporate the knowledge I receive from IS101 into my everyday and professional life.

  5. "Be ashamed to die until you have scored some victory for humanity." This statement is what stood out to me the most in the video. It so much power behind it. It motivates everyone to not rest until we change the world.
    1.) I've always kind of floated through my high school years so transitioning from that to college will be a challenge. I'll try my best in prioritizing my time and effort to my success.
    2.) I feel like virtual class is the best time for getting a greater understanding of a topic. I will take full advantage of the interaction time with the class.
    3.) The skills I learn in this class will definitely be an advantage, especially professionally, so I plan in using them in my life.

  6. I don't know much about Neil deGrasse Tyson except that he's an astronomer but wow the impact of this video is a strong one. "How do you create meaning?" That question just really hit me. What is the meaning of my life? What impact will my life have on the world? I don't know the answers to these questions but I think i'm starting to figure them out. I wanna leave this world a better place for my daughter. I want her to learn from all of my mistakes. I wanna make her stronger and smarter than I could ever be. I want to leave the work a little kinder. That's the meaning I would like to have in the world.
    1)Between work, school, and family life this semester is all about time management. If I do not utilize my time wisely I could fall behind and that would not be good. So, I have devoted about an hour of class time to each class for reading, taking notes, doing assignments, taking quizzes, and studying. So far it has been good but I know I can do better.
    2)I'm going to try to get all the help I can get when we meet up for our virtual class sessions. Especially if there is something about a particular assignment I don't understand. Sometimes going over things is beneficial for me.
    3)I'm all about building up a good digital portfolio especially since I'm trying to get into a new career field.

  7. 1.After watching the video, I'm even more motivated in my education. I'm fully aware that time management will play a key role in my school success, and I must prioritize/ balance my academic life with my work/ out of school life. I must be obligated to utilize my resources as much as I can.
    2. Yes, I will take advantage of our live, and virtual class held on Saturdays. I will pay attention and interact fully with the class to achieve success.
    3. Of course. Everything you are teaching me is precious. It will help me excel in the digital world for my future career. All these skills will be used for every aspect of my life.

  8. 1.This video is very inspiring to me.As English is not my first language I will have to study much harder than another people.I do believe hard work always pays off at the end.
    2.Even though I'm still learning how to use live-virtual,I will take every opportunity I have to gain knowledge.
    3.Yes,I will use my computer skills for my future career.

  9. I've heard a few of Neil deGrasse Tyson's speeches before but I've never watched the Cosmos I think I'm definitely going to look up more of his work now. I love watching science related videos on my free time and it honestly surprises me that I haven't watched more of him. I really appreciate what he said about creating meaning in ones life rather than finding it, that's something that my mom told me when I was younger and I really believe that re-framing your mindset to think that way is essential to being happy with your own life in the long run. To answer your questions, yes, yes, and yes! I am really looking forward to succeeding in this class this semester!

  10. "My first question of me wasn't ""where do I find meaning?"", it was ""how do I create meaning?"". I find this quote by Neil deGrasse Tyson to resonate with me the most since it sums up the mentality of those who are destined to succeed. I also enjoyed Tyson's advice on dealing with the social obstacles of life. Those who've excelled in their goal whilst dealing with social negativity as their obstacle have learned that adapting, overcoming, and navigating around people will guarantee any form of progression towards your goal.

    1.) With times like these where my window of time for working on assignments is very narrow ( not to mention my horrible internet connection), I know that I am trying my best to utilize every opportunity I have to not only meet academic requirements, but to also prepare myself with the skills I'll need to be successful in life.
    2.) I am trying my best to navigate around obstacles in my life in order to take advantage of all opportunities and resources provided for to me to succeed in my academics.
    3.) Yes, I'm planning to take the materials I will have learned from IS101 and utilize them towards creating a project that is profitable, starting with creating a proud digital portfolio.

  11. I really like this video. The part of the video where deDrasse talks about how he was excepted into Cornell but was on the fence about it with Carl Sagan being his deal breaker. deDrasse thought to himself why Sagan would choose to help him when he was a nobody. Ultimately, this event would be a driving force of why deGrasse does what he does. This motivated me to be a better person so much! We have no control of how the world treats us, but we have control of how we treat the world. This is always something good live by.

    1- I gave myself the slip on the first few weeks of this class, but I'm trying to get back on track. I'm learning to not only prioritize things in my life, but to organize my schedule better so that I can have a designated time for school work.

    2- YES! Every time we meet is a chance to learn something new. If there is a chance to earn more points towards our grade in the time that we are to meet, I think it would be irresponsible to not try to take advantage of the opportunity.

    3- YES! I have learned a lot in this class. What I learn about building Covers, Resumes, and interview strategies will always be useful to me when creating a strong digital portfolio. As for learning about word and excel, I have come up with tactics on how to make a digital portfolio look better than any online example there is. I've learned more about computers in this class than I though I would. I'm sure it will be useful in my digital portfolio,after all, my degree is Computer Science.
