Monday, August 31, 2020

Blast Off

Like a space shuttle's launch, an enormous amount preparation goes into the event. When the launch is successful, it makes all the work worthwhile :-) Same goes for proactively launching a class with students prepared on the first class session instead of wide-eyed and trying to drink from a fire hydrant. IS101-3022, Fall 2020 started with a full roster of 18, with different students joining and dropping off the roster all the way up to and including this past weekend.

Of the fourteen students who remained on the roster after our inaugural class session this past Saturday, eleven attended class and participated. The forty-eight hours afterwards saw ten of the eleven working hard and producing results. Two students have completed their coursework for Week 1 ahead of schedule with Matt already working on Week 2.

Go Matt go!

Bonus Quiz 2 and A3 Tailored Cover Letter and Resume have been published in Canvas. To see samples of A4 Homepage:

Table's Borders NOT Visible:

Table's Borders Visible: (Borders Visible).htm


  1. I am glad this class is teaching us how to put together a resume. I have never made one for myself, and although I have tried creating one with some templates, they never seemed worthy of being submitted to an employer.

    Trying to get my little family ready to go for an outing is enough work, I can't imagine getting together and preparing an entire class. Thank you for your help and making sure we are getting off to a good start. I was actually still on the fence on whether or not I should take this next step in life when I got your first e-mail, and it truly helped me decide to go through with this new commitment.

    1. Very glad my introduction email with the syllabus and bonus quiz 1 helped sway you to take this next step in your life :-)

  2. Thank you for the shout out Mr. Wu. We also appreciate how thorough you were on the first day and the syllabus. This helps us, as students, prepare ourselves mentally for the upcoming course. Thank you as always for your hard work and caring attitude.

    1. Most welcome and keep up the positive momentum :-)

  3. I sincerely value the different concepts and perspectives this class cultivates, connecting two disciplines of business and technology. A resume is so important because it is one's personal marketing tool where an individual may showcase his or her own skills, achievements, competencies, and experience. I look forward to improving my current resume in this course, and I am also excited to be adding a MOS Certification to my resume in the near future.

    1. Yes, the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Word (Exam MO-100) and MOS Excel (Exam MO-200) will definitely help build one's resume. If one also passes MOS PowerPoint (Exam MO-300), one will earn the coveted MOS Associate and Microsoft Corporation will mail out an actual MOS Associate certificate :-)

  4. Let me just say that I appreciate all that you have done to make this class as simple as possible for all of us to learn and grow. Whether we are new to Microsoft Office or here to further our knowledge of it this class has helped me realize that I do not have to be afraid and embrace everything I am learning because this is all going to be very useful to me in the future. I don't know how you manage a whole class, work, and family life but kudos to you and all that you do for us.

    1. Proud to hear that you are not afraid and embracing the new skills you are adding to your digital literacy repertoire ^_^

  5. I am grateful for the preparation and effort to help us get a head start. You are even giving me a headstart in applying for jobs with the resume assignment.

    1. A head start is better than playing catch up :-) A3 Tailored Cover Letter and Resume is definitely one of the more practical assignments as past students shared with me that it helped them secure the job they were applying for ^_^

  6. The effort and preparation you have dedicated to this course,has giving me and us all the opportunity to succeed in IS101, receive our certifications, and improve our corporate opportunities. I am truly grateful for the arrangement of this course and you being passionate enough to instruct a course with all of your other responsibilities in life. Again, I appreciate the warm welcome re-entering college.

    1. Most welcome and keep up the hard work :-)

      It's never too late to pursue or re-pursue higher education!

  7. I am glad that this class is teaching us how to create a professional resume and cover letter. Thank you for preparing us for life outside of school Professor Wu.

    1. I'll share my own experiences from both side of the interview table with you to help you prepare :-)

  8. I honestly feel a little intimidated by how fast paced the class is so far! The work seems relatively easy and the lessons are easy to understand and Professor Wu has already been a really big help on keeping up but I still feel like I'm just about 1 or 2 days behind. I think this weekend I'm going to take the time to get ahead that way I'm a bit less anxious. I also love that we are going to edit/create a resume, because I haven't updated mind in quite a while and I am really looking forward to finding a job as a subsitute teacher once this semester is over!

    1. Excellent idea of making time to move ahead! I will do my best to help you polish a resume tailored to a given job posting :-)

  9. I am looking forward to learning how to write a professional resume,it is something practical that I need to get done. Thank you professor.

    1. I look forward to helping you in creating a professional resume :-)

  10. The last time I prepared a resume was for a small job that was dull and poorly managed. Luckily I trusted my instincts and decided to stick to the job I had before; making it one of the best decisions I've ever made. Nonetheless, I'm excited to learn how to prepare a better resume that will help me earn another job if and when I decide to switch.

    1. Excellent instinct Jacqueline! New does not necessarily mean better. You saw warning signs and avoided that small, dull, and poorly managed job. I look forward to helping you with creating a resume tailored to a specific job posting :-)
