Saturday, November 7, 2020

Putting the Fun in FUNctions

In today's class, two more students presented their A5 Slideshow Presentation.

Stephanie showcased the beautiful Egyptian Mau cat breed and her own Egyptian Mau Luna :-)

Adrian backed his call-to-action message: Don't Text and Drive, with statistics, persuasive imageries, legal consequences, and simple habits.

The CIT Department's Digital Literacy program director created an interactive spreadsheet, Fun with FUNctions, to help students practice Excel functions that have been known to appear on the MOS Excel certification exam (MO-200). I am pleased to see how quickly my students catch on to new functions such as MID, LEN, LOWER, UPPER, RIGHT, LEFT, CONCAT, and TEXTJOIN. This will not only help them with MO-200 but the upcoming A6 Spreadsheet Analysis with Trailer -- one of the two apex assignments in IS101-3022, each worth half a letter grade!

Nnamdi is the second student to upload his A4 Homepage to the World Wide Web:

My walkthrough of design ideas have inspired Bridget and Tukta. I look forward to seeing draft of their homepages ^_^


  1. Thank you for the kind remarks. I wanted to present something with meaning, especially with how prevalent texting and driving is in today’s society. I am glad I was able to leave an impact and present to my audience my call-to-action and research on the consequences of texting and driving and what can be done to avoid doing so. I am so happy with the beyond-positive reception from my classmates, some praising my evident passion towards the issue and some describing “nearly coming to tears” from my presentation. I truly believe that each of us has the potential to make the world a better place, you just have to care.

  2. I really need to get my introduction together for my blog so I can upload mine as well. I hope to set some time aside this weekend for that. I am happy to have my A5 presentation completed, it was a little stressful because I've never made a slideshow.

  3. I really enjoyed the presentations by Stephanie and Adrian. Both were very informational. Also, I just visited Nnamdi's webpage and it looks amazing. My classmates are so talented and definitely raise the bar for how I want my webpage to look.

  4. First of, I apologize for missing those presentations. Secondly, thank you for posting the other student's ideas, this will help me and non creative mind in developing a homepage for myself. I look forward to presenting to you all here in the near future.

  5. Stephanie and Adrian presented well thought out presentation and helped me with my own. The course work has provided projects I did not foresee but so far have been enjoyable.

  6. The presentations were very nice and informative and I really enjoyed it.

  7. Everyone's presentations have been outstanding so far. Nnamdi's homepage is looking nice.

  8. It makes me so nervous to be learning all those new skills in a short time! But I got this.
