Friday, October 30, 2020

Leaving Earth's Atmosphere

The space shuttle 'Section 3022' is about to leave Earth's atmosphere :-)

Today, Friday, 10/31/2020, 11:59 PM is the deadline for students to withdraw from a class in the Fall 2020 semester. After this, students will not be able to drop a class or change it from 'credit' to 'audit'. Whatever a students achieve -- or does not achieve -- will be used to determine the course grade which goes onto a student's official transcript.

Another boundary that the students of IS101-3022 will cross is the line between procedural-centric and analytical-centric. In tomorrow's class, students will take the second half of Bonus Quiz 4C and I will give my presentation and walkthrough on Key Excel and Analysis ConceptsBonus Quiz 5 and A6 Spreadsheet Analysis with Trailer will allow students to flex their analytical muscles. I also look forward to further help some students with their A4 Homepage and A5 Slideshow ^_^


  1. Thank you for the wonderful presentation on Key Excel and Analysis Concepts. Excel is so complex with a multitude of things to do and learn, especially the formulas and their correct methods of inputting. I certainly need more practice with Excel formulas. I am ready and open to learning, and I will get it down. :-)

  2. No turning back now! Time to catch up on all my assignments and begin bonus quiz 5. Also thanks for the advise with A5 and helping me with A4.

  3. I am quite nervous about my A5 presentation! The second half of Bonus Quiz 4C was not fun - all the different, specific terms just don't seem to stick.

  4. Although, I fell slightly behind before mid semester I am going to do everything in my power to finish strong in this class. I'm having fun learning Excel. I never really used it before now.

  5. The slideshow was very helpful. I'm looking forward to seeing what A6 is all about.

  6. My Bonus Quiz 4C was not good, so I need to prepare myself for Bonus Quiz 5 and assignment A4 Homepage.

  7. I'm hoping to get better with Excel and catch up to my fellow students.

  8. Looking forward to start working on the Excel lessons!
