Thursday, August 20, 2020

Live-Remote IS101-3022 > COVID-19

Two weeks before semester's start, all in-person IS101 courses were converted to live-remote as were a significant portion of the Fall 2020 courses in College of Southern Nevada (CSN). This represents a new learning modality for many people. Live-remote simply means that we will meet via virtual meeting on Saturdays 10 AM to 12:50 PM instead of physically in the classroom during that time. COVID-19 may have denied us the use of our prized classroom, C114, where all desktop computers have dual monitors, but my students can and will adapt!

In Spring 2020, IS101-3025 was abruptly transitioned from in-person to live-remote on March 18. The disruption to everyone's life varied but majority of the students finished their semester strong :-) Some will come back this semester for the opportunity to claim their Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification. I look forward to seeing them again even if only virtually.

Fall 2020 would be the third semester of IS101 using the MOS certification as its course curriculum's industry certification component. This semester would be my twenty third (23rd) year of teaching in higher education, mostly at CSN and almost exclusively IS101 and IT-related courses. The second half of Spring 2020 prepared me for teaching remotely. I wonder how will my Fall 2020 students adapt to live-remote and how high will they soar in digital literacy.

One student, Adrian, reached out to me last week after receiving the notification of in-person to live-remote conversion from the Computer & Information Technology (CIT) Department Chair. The future information technology professional has already achieved a perfect score on Bonus Quiz 1 and is working on A1 Accounts Setup and Professional Communication. I will remotely meet with Adrian tomorrow morning to test our virtual meeting capabilities.

Ingredients for success:

Before the semester begins, I will individually reach out to other students to give them a head start on IS101-3022, Fall 2020 ^_^


  1. Excited to start this new journey, and to "meet" everyone during our first class session :)

  2. I've always wanted to start a blog and this is such a great way to get into that. I'm so excited for this class and for all the things I will be learning this semester.

  3. This will be my first blog ever. I'm excited to have the opportunity to take the MOS certification exams and that we have Professor with the experience and drive to help his students succeed.

  4. Despite the unforeseeable change from in-person instruction to remote instruction, you are indeed correct, Professor: " students can and will adapt!" I look forward to claim my Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification this semester under your guidance and mentorship. Good luck to my fellow colleagues on this educational journey.

  5. This first week of IS101 has been enlightening, fulfilling, and simply encouraging. Microsoft Office 2019, blogging, and other task we have preformed up to this point are truly foreign to me. The IS101 journey has begun, and I accept all challenges. Everyone be safe and have a great semester.

  6. This first week of school has been better than I imagined it to be. I am excited to see what the rest of my new journey has in store for me.

  7. Although the live-remote setting is a lot to get used to, I find the tools, resources, and tips provided in IS101 to be very helpful and effective thus far. I look forward to the enhancement of my digital capabilities as I embark on this new journey into technology.

  8. At first I thought live meetings would be weird, but I have come to realize it's not so bad after all. I look forward to the gaining skills from IS101 and finishing strong in the class.

  9. It's definitely been difficult getting accustomed to a fully online class schedule, even though I have had online classes in the past. I can tell that this course is going to be a bit more difficult because it is missing out on the person to person aspect. Thankfully Professor Wu's detailed instructions and quick feedback are "on point"! I am looking forward to the rest of the semester and I wish all of us good luck!

  10. I am looking forward to learning IS101 skills and applying them to future career goals.

  11. I have been used to reading blogs ever since I was in high school, but I have never made a blog post, let alone maintain one. I am looking forward to the semester at CSN with the chance to be able to say that I have made my own blog, and learning how to master Word and Excel will be cool too!
