Sunday, December 13, 2020

Two More MOS Associates and MOS Outlook

The end of this weekend marks the end of instructions for Fall 2020 semester IS101-3022 but I have until end of day Wednesday, 12/16 to turn in students' grades.

Yesterday (Saturday) morning, two more students followed Matthew's lead from last Saturday in earning their coveted Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Associate distinction. Anthony is my only student that falls within the MOS Championship's age requirement. Even if MOS Championship does not send the young man an invitation to represent Nevada to compete in the MOS World Championship, I am still proud of him :-)

Adrian made me proud by conquering MOS Outlook (MO-400) based on his own experience as IS101 does not have lessons and projects for Microsoft Outlook. The next morning (Sunday) the future HR professional came back to claim his MOS PowerPoint (MO-300) despite having already earned the MOS Associate distinction.

For Stephanie and Bridget, I believe MOS Outlook will greatly help strengthen their resumes. I hope Adrian's example inspired them -- and the rest of Adrian's classmates -- to take on MO-400 after they earn their MOS PowerPoint!

During class, students took Bonus Quiz 8 OLE, IPOS Perspective, Bloom’s Taxonomy, the most telling event of my IS101. Linda gave her presentation on her hometown, San Lorenzo, Chihuahua, Mexico and shared not only the history of her hometown but happy photos of her family. I gave my customary student recognition presentation. I concluded the class by walking through the wonderful opportunities and free preparation materials for students to earn more MOS certifications, including three Expert level badges!

For the rest of the weekend, I continued to help students in finishing their PowerPoint projects and polished homepages for Adrian and Linda.

Three more students will take on MO-300 to earn their MOS PowerPoint this Wednesday, 12/16 before I turn in students' grades. Two other students will have the opportunity to use the days after 12/16 to finish their PowerPoint and/or Excel projects. I am pleased to hear the other students express their support by agreeing to attend the optional class session this coming Saturday and continue their blog activities until the last student crosses the finish line ^_^


  1. Congrats Adrian and Anthony, Adrian very impressive the 1st student to pass four MOS exams (bravo). Professor Wu these homepages look amazing, I might need to schedule a 1-on-1 to have mine re-polished if possible. Good luck to anyone taking future MOS exams!

  2. Congratulations to everyone who received their MOS Associate badge, and to Adrian who passed four MOS exams! I am trying to finish up my PowerPoint projects so that I could hopefully take the MO-300 this Saturday. I hope to see many of you for our final class on Saturday!

  3. Wishing Anthony the best of luck to receiving a invitation to the MOS Championships! I appreciate your kind remarks, Professor Wu, and the encouragement from all my colleagues to succeed. This has been a challenging and jam-packed semester for me, but I am so proud to have made it to the finish line and finish strong with a 4.0 GPA in all my classes! I find joy in knowing I am one-step closer to attaining my dream career. :-)

  4. I want to congratulate all of my classmates on a wonderful semester. Even with remote classes, it seemed that through our blog post and class sessions that we created a connection with each other. For those that became a MOS Specialist congratulations again and I'm confident that everyone else will earn the MOS Specialist badge.

  5. This semester has truly been the best and I couldn't have been prouder to see how well all my classmates are doing. Congrats to everyone on all your hard work.

  6. I would like to congratulate all of my classmates for their hard work, we finally reached the finish line.

  7. Congratulations to everyone! I also really like how my website design looks! Thank you so much Professor!
